Unlost in Translation: Managing Regional Production

Unlost in Translation: Managing Regional Production

We recently won a regional pitch, competing against agencies across the APAC region, and were thrilled to take on the challenge! But the real test came after—the client not only wanted us to execute the creative concept but also produce a video shoot across 9 cities in Southeast and East Asia.

Our concept was playful yet straightforward, which worked in our favour. After assessing the budget and timeline, we decided to shoot in 5 countries and delegate the remaining 4 cities to local partners, whom we closely briefed and monitored.

The journey began with a pilot shoot in Jakarta. But then, in true adventurous spirit, we decided to shoot in Singapore, Petaling Jaya, Bangkok, and Taipei—in four consecutive days! Meanwhile, our local network handled the shoots in Ho Chi Minh City, Tokyo, Seoul, and Cavite. And all of this happened within the same week. Imagine juggling our own shoots while remotely overseeing local partners—talk about a challenge! It felt like a mash of the Adidas and Nike taglines: “Just impossible? It’s nothing… do it!”

Key Takeaways from Our Production Journey

  • Break down the process: Transferring a complex vision to someone else in one go is impossible. We spent significant time tweaking the concept with the client, and as “simple” as it seemed to us, it wasn’t for fresh eyes. Live video monitoring during the shoot? Absolutely essential.
  • Technical briefs are helpful, but… They can’t be relied upon 100% when working with external teams. Pre-visualized videos are useful, but constant communication and attention to details are needed to make it work.
  • Language barriers: They can easily be overcome. Enthusiastic gestures and animated communication always help bridge the gap.
  • Non-professional talent: If your video includes internal or non-professional talent, set realistic expectations. Know when they’ve given their best, and when you can push them further.
  • Collaboration is key: Breaking down the client-agency-vendor divide fosters teamwork and quick problem-solving, resulting in better outcomes.
  • Pack the essentials: find the formula on how simple equipment can work in your favour, especially if you need the flight crew to not give you a hard time during the baggage drop off.
  • Yes, it’s possible to shoot in 9 countries in just 5 days! Curious how we did it? Let’s chat!

Our video concept involved a relay of the alphabet between talents, but little did we know we’d be in a real-life production relay race! It was a priceless, whirlwind experience, and we can’t wait for the next opportunity to do it all over again.

You can find the final video next month in our Instagram—stay tuned!