We have been
Talking and listening to each other for quite some time
That is what humans do. We voice and make gestures of our intention. Thus we create civilisation. Some were dark and apocalyptically etched in history, and some offered bright and hopeful notes to the future of mankind.
Don’t we all wish for more of the latter?

Then comes the
Curious Introspection
of the way we do our business and how we want to set our vision statement as a company that holds a role in society – all of us agree that we are here to make things a little better.

We’re a bunch of people who ask bottomless questions and laugh about silly things but consider our work very seriously and wholeheartedly.
health, energy, banking, environment and sustainability, technology

established in 2008
The Curious Start
Back in the early 2000’s advertising used to be a multifaceted, layered, typical Mad Men TV show (but less dapper). After burning too many midnight oils, we figured there were ways to do it more efficiently, leaner, faster, with a better vibe of agency-client relationship, so Curious Colibri was born.

of Our Idea
from the get-go was to stay small and curious and to expand when the business challenged us to do so with collaboration, and that essence is still in effect until this day.
Colibri or hummingbird is a small bird that can fly at a whooping 55 km/h speed. It can also fly forward, backwards, straight up and down, or remain suspended in the air.